What are the definitions?
A Municipal Cultural Landscape can occur when a distinct geographical area or property uniquely representing the combined work of nature and of people is deemed to have municipal heritage value.
A Registered Provincial Streetscape can occur when a grouping of properties (collectively) is deemed to have provincial heritage value. These properties must all be visible from one vantage point.
A Registered Municipal Streetscape can occur when a grouping of properties (collectively) is deemed to have local or community heritage value. These properties must all be visible from one vantage point.
A Registered Municipal Heritage Conservation District can occur when a large area of urban or rural properties (collectively) is deemed to have a local or community level of heritage value. The properties contained within the district’s boundaries typically cannot be entirely seen from one vantage point. All districts are developed by the community for the community and have their own bylaw and plan for administrations.
A Heritage Conservation District, designated by municipalities, is an area of heritage value that is protected by municipally determined bylaws, which can vary from district to district. For instance, the bylaw in North-End Sydney allows for blending of old and new properties, encourages renovation and allows for new development.
Incentives for municipalities and individuals to establish Heritage Conservation Districts include provincially-funded heritage grants and tax rebates for property owners within the district. Some municipalities also offer financial incentives. Municipalities look to the Heritage Conservation District designation because it can contribute to improved economic or tourism development potential, increased public investment and the economic revitalization of neighbourhoods.
In addition to North-End Sydney, there are a number of other Heritage Conservation Districts in Nova Scotia, located in Maitland, Grand Pré, Yarmouth, Truro and Lunenburg. Halifax Regional Municipality only has one. It is the Barrington Street Heritage Conservation District. There are other proposed Heritage Conservation Districts such as, Old South Suburb and Schmidtville, Barrington Street South area and Historic Properties area.

Postcard: Early 20th Century Young Avenue