Point Pleasant Park's Historic Gates

Photo: Point Pleasant Park Gates (© 2017 Barry Copp)
Destruction of Ardnamara

Photo: Ardnamara (© 2017 Barry Copp)
Destruction of G.S. Campbell Mansion

Photo: GS Campbell Mansion (© 2017 Alan North)
Destruction of Brookfield/Stanbury Mansion

Photo: Brookfield/Stanbury Mansion (© 2017 Alan North)
Young Avenue, in Halifax’s South End area, is considered a unique and prominent residential streetscape. It is a boulevard characterized by many large estate lots, some of which include houses of notable architectural quality.
As a result of recent development activity on the street, which has included the demolition of several notable houses of historic significance, there is concern that the well-established character of Young Avenue will be lost as more longstanding homes are demolished, lots are subdivided, and new dwellings constructed.
You can help us by becoming involved. You can volunteer, raise awareness, join our Facebook sister group, Save Young Avenue.
Add your voice to include Young Avenue as a Heritage Conservation District in Shape Your City Halifax.
If you have any interesting stories or old photos relating to Young Avenue's history that you would like to share, please use the Contact Us page on this website.
Your voice is needed to respond to the UARB Hearing on the George Tsimiklis Appeal of Young Avenue Zoning Changes.
The hearing is to make a decision on the developer’s appeal of the city’s recently passed 80’ Land Use by-law amendment.
The developer’s basic argument is that the avenue has already lost its character and heritage value because the larger homes are already multi unit apartments, and there are also many single family homes on smaller lots. He is citing certain clauses in the city’s Municipal Planning Strategy, a policy document. The clauses refer to integrity and stability of a neighbourhood, as well as density of residential housing.
We need supporters of Young Avenue to either:
(a) appear at the public hearing and speak in favour of the land use bylaw amendment, which is intended to preserve the integrity and stability of the avenue or
(b) send in a letter or email to the clerk of the UARB expressing your support for the land use by-law, and indicating that such bylaw is needed to protect what remains of this important streetscape.
The former zoning by-laws did not adequately protect the avenue, and it is clear the avenue has significant remaining cultural and heritage value, despite the recent damage to the avenue recently done by the developer.
IN THE MATTER OF AN APPEAL by GEORGE TSIMIKLIS from the approval by Halifax and West Community Council to amend the Halifax Peninsula Land Use By-law to protect the character and form of Young Avenue, Halifax, Nova Scotia
HEARING STARTS: Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Commencing at 9:30 a.m.
(Continuing May 16-17, 2018, if necessary)
EVENING SESSION: Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Commencing at 6:30 p.m. (if necessary)
HEARING LOCATION: Office of the Utility and Review Board
Suite 300, Summit Place 1601 Lower Water Street Halifax, Nova Scotia
Board Hearings are open to the public and you may participate as follows:
• You may speak at the hearing. You must notify the Board by Thursday, April 19, 2018
• You may make written comments by sending a letter to the Clerk of the Board at Box 1692, Unit “M”, Halifax, NS B3J 3S3, or by email at: or by fax at (902) 424-3919 by Thursday, May 3, 2018
• You may request formal standing as an Intervener, subject to Board approval. This will allow you to present evidence or cross-examine witnesses. Your request must be received by the Board by Tuesday, March 20, 2018 and a copy of your written evidence
by Monday, April 16, 2018