To educate and inform the public about the heritage of homes along Young Avenue, and preserve these important homes for future generations

Photo: All that remains today of Ardnamara Estate
(© 2017 Barry Copp)

Photo: Destruction of George S. Campbell Mansion (© 2017 Alan North)
To promote the historical importance of Young Avenue in Halifax, its association with provincial legislation of the day, international planning movements, its early residents (politicians, judges, business/government/university leaders, and leading philanthropists), its diverse architecture, and its place in the development of the city during a period of economic upturn in the late 1800s.

Photo: Mrs. (Louisa) Martin Smith Mansion and Admirals House (© 2017 Barry Copp)
Our vision is that people will be able to venture down this historic streetscape and appreciate Sir William Young's own vision and intent which was to "create a grand public avenue with grand homes leading to Halifax's grandest park", protect these beautiful heritage homes, and encourage adaptive reuse as a real alternative to demolishing them.

Photo: Alexander Hobrecker Mansion (Lindola) and tour bus (© 2017 Barry Copp)