June 08, 2017

The National Trust for Canada listed Young Avenue as one of Top 10 Endangered Places in Canada in 2017.
According to the Trust:
"Young Avenue is a unique streetscape that is home to a number of upscale residences built in the late 19th to early 20th century."
"Many residences on the avenue are currently for sale – their future uncertain – and only four currently have some level of heritage designation."
"Future development plans for the avenue include the demolition more notable historic dwellings, the subdivision of lots, and new construction that threatens the character and cohesiveness of the street."
December, 2016
Planning Policy and the Implications For Built Heritage: A Case Study
of Halifax, Nova Scotia
Dalhousie Masters of Planning student, Elizabeth Nicoll, presents an excellent and important research paper entitled: Planning Policy and the Implications For Built Heritage: A Case Study of Halifax, Nova Scotia. The paper documents the "rising pressure to redevelop or demolish historical buildings in favour of newer developments, despite the evidence that built heritage contributes to a city's economic prosperity, environmental sustainability, and improved social cohesion" with Young Avenue and Barrington Street South as examples. The paper suggests several important initiatives to strengthen and protect Halifax's built heritage.
This research paper is a must-see for heritage advocates, municipal and provincial governments, and the general public! Click on the PDF icon at left.
May 10, 2016

Photo: c.1931 Young Avenue (Courtesy NSARMS)

Photo: c.1931 Young Avenue (Courtesy NSARMS)

Photo: Existing nearby Heritage Streetscape utilising photographs
(© 2017 Barry Copp)

Photo: Existing nearby Heritage Streetscape utilising map
(© 2017 Barry Copp)

Photo: Existing City of Halifax and Provincial Registered Heritage Property plaques
(© 2017 Barry Copp)
Regional Council passed the following motion:
MOVED by Councillor Mason, seconded by Councillor Hendsbee:
THAT Halifax Regional Council request a staff report recommending best options to establish protections to the heritage and character of historic Young Avenue, including but not limited to:1. Changes to the Land Use By-law related to lots size, coverage, frontage and dwelling count; 2. Establishing a Heritage Conservation District or Heritage Streetscape.
Project 1. Amendments to Land Use Bylaw
To better implement the policies of the Halifax Municipal Planning Strategy and to ensure the R-1 Zone standards reflect the existing lot pattern on Young Avenue, staff propose amendments to the Halifax Peninsula LUB.
The proposed changes would increase the minimum required lot frontage, lot area, lot width and lot depth required for new lots proposed amendments to the R-1 Zone outlined in this report are an extension of the policy in the Halifax Municipal Planning Strategy which aims to protect the character of residential neighbourhoods.
The advantage of amending the Land Use Bylaw is that it is a significantly shorter process than the adoption of a heritage conservation district, and would still enable the preservation of the current lot fabric, and thus the unique character of this area. If these amendments are going to be considered, the matter should be referred to the Halifax & West Community Council for consideration.
Project 2. Heritage Conservation District​​
An option provided under the Heritage Property Act would be the creation of a Heritage Conservation District. This process involves the creation of a public participation program, the creation and approval by the Minister of a background study outlining the heritage values of the proposed district and rationale for the boundary, establishment of a stakeholder steering committee, creation of a Conservation Plan and Bylaw for the area, and public hearing before Council could adopt the Plan and Bylaw.
The creation and adoption of an HCD could potentially take between one and two years to conclude, however, it currently provides the Municipality with greater options with respect to substantial alteration and demolition control than are provided with individual registrations.
Project 3. Signage and Interpretation
The signage system for Young Avenue must be more than just a set of signposts, markers and symbols. It should reflect and complement the Avenue’s unique attributes in order to create a unique identity that is practical in its application and well founded in its conception. The signage will play an important role to ensure visitor enjoyment and easy navigation to points of interest along the Avenue. These factors will be achieved through the use of gateway monoliths, informational and directional components. Oak Park, Illinois, which features many Frank Lloyd Wright designs offers an excellent example of streetscape signage.
A striking interpretive program will create a memorable experience for visitors by highlighting the historical, architectural, and cultural stories embodied along the Avenue. The initial research and story development are critical to providing the foundation for an effective interpretation program. Interpretation calls for a heightened sensitivity to the Avenue's context, balanced with needs of visitors and the storyline itself. (material borrowed and adapted from PPP Park Comprehensive Development Plan, 2008)
Land Use By-law
Protecting the Character &
Form of Young Avenue

Photo: Existing Historic Schmidtville street signage (courtesy Ingrid Bulmer)

Photo: Existing Heritage Walk on Beaufort Avenue (© 2017 Barry Copp)

Photo: Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada location of John William Ritchie estate in Southend
(© 2017 Barry Copp)

June 14, 2018
Young Avenue Meet & Greet - public is welcome! Cake, refreshments & heritage talk by architect Syd Dumaresq! What's not to like?
Thursday June 14, 2018 4-6 pm